日本で買えるイタリアのランジェリー・ブランド トップ3

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Which popular brands of Italian lingerie for ladies are available in Japan?

Top 3 brands of Italian underwear you can find in Tokyo and other cities in Japan

1. Intimissimi




picture by www.intimissimi.com/jp/

picture from www.intimissimi.com/jp/

2. Calzedonia (カルツェドニア)

UPDATE: Calzedonia announced its withdrawal from Japan. On May 31, 2024, they closed all stores, both online and physical ones.

Technically Calzedonia is in the same group of Intimissimi, but the style and mood are so different that it deserves a separated place in this list.

1986年以来、このコレクションは、タイツやビーチウェアなどのトレンディなアクセサリーで、女の子や女性が自分らしいスタイルを表現することをサポートしようとしている。 original style with trendy accessories like thighs and beachwear.

picture from calzedonia.com/jp/

3. La Perla (ラ・ペルラ)



picture from jp.laperla.com

Do you know other Italian lingerie brands? Write to [email protected]

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